MANAGING DIFFICULT EMPLOYEES is challenging, but it can be done! Some people are a joy to work with and others are not. This is hardly an original observation. As a manager, however, you can’t stand idly by and watch as difficult people disrupt your work environment, because it never favours business success. Quite the contrary is true. The antics difficult people pull are often enough to anger even the saints among us. Customers, clients, company executives, co-workers, vendors — anyone and everyone is a potential target for abuse. And abuse is not too strong a word. So, what makes problem employees think it’s okay to behave in such destructive ways? After all, these people are collecting pay checks from the company, and you would think they would perform admirably, if for no other reason than to ensure their job security and keep those pay checks coming. Many managers have pondered the motivations of difficult employees, and you’ll find some explanations in this course.
More importantly, though, you’ll discover tips, strategies, and techniques for coping with difficult people, and figure out their motivation factors.