Teams are a core part of the work done in most organizations and the data is clear and compelling— teamwork is essential to long-term organization success. Today, organizations and people are rediscovering that strong, synergistic teams are the way to enhance employee engagement, solve organizational challenges, and drive results. Although individual initiative and talent play a big part, more often than not, exceptional results and performance requires team synergy. How do teams achieve a high level of performance? How do you get the most out of a team? The power of teamwork and synergy comes from shared goals and values, aligned action, effective communication, and focused effort. You tap into this power by making team success everyone’s responsibility. It doesn’t happen by chance. When team members understand that they play a key role in achieving high-performance teamwork, they will more actively contribute their best efforts, ensure alignment, and make a conscious effort to enhance their individual performance and collective performance of the team. To make progress, achieve goals and solve dilemmas, team members need to refine their contribution, be willing to communicate and connect with others, and join forces around essential goals and plans.