Enhancing Equipment Effectiveness


If you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it. Overall Equipment Effectiveness, or “OEE,” is a well-known concept in maintenance and is a way of measuring the effectiveness of a machine. It is the backbone of many techniques employed in asset management programs.

This white paper begins with an explanation of the difference between efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. OEE is widely used as a metric to coordinate production strategies and propel manufacturing optimization through production planning, machine reliability, quality and productivity improvements. Implementing OEE on the shop-floor is complex and considers multiple machines types with variable run-times.

This compact one-day training course looks at OEE in detail. You will be able to understand the waste and loss in terms of equipment optimization, and point towards improvement initiatives that can impact the bottom line.

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Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the purpose of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) as a metric.
  • The correlation between equipment losses and OEE.
  • How OEE is monitored and measured accurately.

Who Must Attend

Supervisors, engineers, maintenance and production personnel responsible for ensuring optimum utilization of process equipment.

Duration : 1 Day


Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

– Efficiency, Effectiveness and Productivity

Definition Of OEE

– Down time, speed and quality losses
– Causes of the losses
– External losses
– Further division of the losses

OEE Calculations

– Planning factor
– Total OEE
– Effectiveness factors
– EE and maintenance
– Effectiveness factors calculated in other units
– Theoretical, available and valuable operating time
– OEE, planning factor and total OEE
– Availability, performance and quality factor

OEE Measurements

– Economical Measurements based on OEE
– Division of the losses (Planning factor and the six big losses)
– External losses versus ‘planned down time losses’
– Subdivision of the losses
– Effectiveness Factors
– Equipment Ranking
– OEE Record Keeping
– OEE Monitoring Chart
– OEE Records Analysis: Graphs – Launching Improvement Actions
– OEE and 6-Sigma: example of OEE analysis
– Modern OEE developments: Safety Rate & Environment Control Rate
– Equipment-related Waste
– Solutions of Exercises